How do you calm an excited puppy

Calming an excited puppy can be a tricky task. It’s important to ensure that you are patient and consistent when trying to calm your pup down. Here are some tips to help make the process of calming your puppy go more smoothly:

1. Provide a Safe and Secure Environment: Making sure that the environment is safe and secure for your puppy is paramount. This includes making sure that they have a designated area with their own cushion, toys, food, and water bowl so they will always feel comfortable no matter what is happening around them. Providing structure through consistent training is also helpful in easing anxiety and allowing them to learn how to self-soothe by understanding behaviour expectations from both you and their environment.

2. Establish Routines: A key aspect of calming an excited dog is providing consistency through routines; this serves as both mental stimulation for puppies as well as being soothing in helping them feel secure which leads to better behaviour and calmer puppies! Good examples of routines include a daily walk at the same time each day, regular playtime sessions, or obedience training exercises throughout the week – all excellent ways to channel energy in positive directions instead of destructive ones!

3. Engage Your Puppy-with Games & Exercise: Exercise is one of the best ways to keep any type pf pup calm by tiring them out physically and mentally so they don’t have as much ‘extra energy’ left over for naughty behaviour! Try practicing basic obedience training commands such as sit or stay while playing fetch or tug-of-war – these activities breed confidence, trustworthiness, and enhance communication between you two which all lead towards better behaved puppies overall! Similarly, interactive toys like treat balls or puzzle toys can help stall hyperactive bursts by offering something fun for pups to work on rather than act out from boredom!

4. Incorporate Relaxation Techniques: Teaching relaxation techniques such as deep belly breaths not only helps manage stress levels but builds handlers’ skills needed during moments where calm may seem far away during everyday life with pups; try closing your eyes taking long deep breaths before walking into a room full of excitedpups who have been waiting all day seeing you–not only will these mini relaxation moments tie back into basic puppy training but it shows puppies that rest time isn’t an awkward concept either!

5.Use Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement works wonders on dogs who struggle with feeling too excited; this could come in form of treats when the pup actually slows down its breathing – again let it be known that positive reinforcement works both at home (teaching obedience)AND during social engagement (other dog parks etc). No matter whatlevel of rewards you choose however – even if all he gets is verbal, it’s still shows himthat his calmer behaviours are not only accepted but desired – great start towards creating reliable experiences where excitement isn’t easily triggered!

Understanding why your puppy is excited

Understanding why your puppy is excited is the first step to calming them. It’s important to figure out the triggers that cause your pup’s excitement and then work on alleviating the root cause. Common triggers for excitement can include seeing other people or animals, sudden loud noises, or becoming overly stimulated by socializing.

Once you’ve identified the source of your puppy’s excitement, you can start taking steps to prevent it from happening again. For example, if your pup gets overly excited when meeting new people, gradually introduce them to others with calm behavior. If loud noises seem to trigger their unrestrained enthusiasm, purchase a CD or download an audio of calming sounds for them to listen to in those situations.

If all else fails, a gentle massage and some deep breathing exercise may help with calming your pup down when they have already gotten worked up. Focusing on something more mundane like slow petting or coming into downward-facing dog can even work wonders!

Providing mental stimulation to keep their mind busy

Providing mental stimulation for your pup is a great way to keep their minds busy and to prevent them from getting overly excited. One great way to do this is by providing interactive toys for them, such as an interactive toy that rewards them with treats when they do certain tasks. You can also provide plenty of chew toys to help alleviate some of their anxiety. You can hide treats in different locations around the house, encouraging them to use their nose and search out the treats. This will not only occupy their mind with something fun but will also give them a sense of accomplishment when they find it!

Another great way to provide mental stimulation is with obedience training. Training helps your pup stay focused and it builds a strong relationship between you and man’s best friend. Puppies in particular love learning new tricks and commands, so consistent practice can help promote calm behavior and overall relaxation when done correctly.

Teaching the essentials of obedience training

Obedience training is one of the most important things you can do for your excited puppy. Teaching the basics such as sit, stay, leave it and come will help them to listen and understand what they are being asked to do while also giving them a sense of structure. It’s important to begin with gentle positive reinforcement such as praise and treats during each session so that your pup makes a positive connection with the commands you teach.

By teaching basic obedience commands, you not only help your pup become familiar with how they should interact with the world around them, but it can also provide physical and mental stimulation which in itself helps to calm an excited puppy. So make sure your pup has plenty of learning opportunities throughout the day – give them chances to practice new skills, play different types of interactive games or just have some moments for fun. This way, if needed, you will have an easier time redirecting their attention from stimulating activities back towards something rewarding like being obedient in a new task.

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